Today's post is contributed by Dave Vincent, Canyon Parks Supervisor. Thanks, Dave!
Harold is a Pyle Leghorn rooster that was dropped off at
Jolleys Ranch 3 1/2 years ago. When Kim Francom and I found him we were
concerned that somebody would shoot him while turkey hunting. So Kim lured him
in with dry cat food and I caught him with a fishing net and brought him to the
Canyon Parks compound. Soon after Harold's arrival to the compound we noticed
him eating Box Elder Bugs through out the yard. Since Harold has lived in the
canyon parks compound there has been a significant decline in the Box Elder Bug
Harold likes to get on top of the backhoe and crow at everybody
teeing off of number 14 tee box at the golf course and sometimes runs to the
corner of the yard to heckle the golfers teeing off of number 18. Many golfers
look for Harold when ever they are about to tee off and will talk to him from
across the parking lot. Harold also acts as the canyon parks watch dog and will
charge after anyone that comes into the compound that does not belong in there.
We have always felt Harold was a beautiful bird so I entered him in the 2013
Utah County Fair. While at the fair Harold won ribbons in the following
categories; best of show, 1st place, special award and he qualified for the
state fair.
Harold is awesome!