Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How you can help...

Officer Nate Brimhall's little 2 year old son Max has kidney cancer, and after removing a tumor the size of a grapefruit along with his little kidney, Max has to endure chemotherapy.  He  has had his 6th treatment and still has nine weeks to go.

Max and his momma Katie
If you would like to help out by donating to the family, please go to

Best wishes to Max for a full and speedy recovery. 

Chris Jensen, Hobble Creek's Head Greenskeeper

Chris Jensen, Head Greenskeeper, celebrated his 40th year of full time employment with Hobble Creek Golf Course on July 16th.  Chris worked three years part-time prior to that for a total of 43 years with the City!

Chris loves live theatre and has been performing since 1988.

Chris in Xanadu

His upcoming performance will begin on August 23 at Payson High School.  Chris will be playing the part of the pastor and a villager in Shrek the Musical.   Tickets are available online at

July & August Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the following employees:

July 31  Dave Bernal
              Travis Kunz
              Breekel Orton


1     Richard Thurman
2     Seth Mayberry
5     TJ Thomas
6     Bonnie Boel
7     Freddie Lou Boice
8     Jason Riding
9     Aaron Binks
       Jeff Anderson
11   Chad Daybell
       Kyler Rymer
       Virgil Jacobsen
       Owen Leatham
12   Elmer Barrientos
       Lori Chandler
       Hank Clinton
13   Lori Woodard
14   Daniel Kerr
15   Cari Thomsen
       Leon Fredrickson
16   Tori Eaton
       Jeff Ellsworth
18   Jess Graham
       Brandon Call
20   McKay Mertz
21   Erin Davis
23   Sandy Harward
27   Dell Gordon
29   Dave Foster
30   Kirk Seethaler
31   Dave Vincent
       Dean Olsen
       Ui Palmer


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thanks For Your Help - Budget Version

Just a few weeks ago we started a new budget year.  For many of you, this day passes without much of a change.  However, July 1 is a day that the Mayor and Council use as a yard stick to see how we are doing.  In a few months, the Mayor and Council will receive a detailed report that is dozens of pages long that examines how we did over the last budget year and what our finances looked like at the close of business on June 30. 

I am confident that we have done well.  With your help, we stayed under our budget allotments and got our projects done.  This builds trust and confidence with our elected officials and the public.  We have made significant progress towards improving our community even in the face of the most difficult economic times in 80+ years!

Here is a chart that shows how the great recession affected Springville Sales Tax Revenues

You can see great growth in 2006 and 2007 followed by the recession.  In 2013, we didn’t quite make it back to our peak in 2008.  We will pass that peak in 2014.  We are not back to where we should be if we had nominal growth, but we are at least back to where we were in 2008.  As other revenue streams return we should be able to get back to a more normal cycle of things. 

I know the Council appreciated everyone’s efforts to conserve and find new ways to do things.  As dollars come back into the system, we don’t want to lose that attitude.  A dollar saved is still a dollar saved.  A better way to do something is still a better way.  If we can keep constantly improving our community will be a little bit better every day!  Thanks for your help in making it happen.
