Monday, September 30, 2013

City Employee Golf Tournament

As the cold weather approaches so does our upcoming date for the Employee Golf Tournament. 
October 3rd. 
Sign in begins at 8:00am.  Sonny will determine when the actual tournament starts.
We currently have 12 teams signed up. 

If you are an individual who has replied saying you would like to play, I will have you on a team before we start.

Next week I’ll be sending out a new updated tournaments rule sheet.  I’m looking for 3-4 employee who will be playing in the tournament to work with me on putting some new rules together.  Please email if you are interested

This is a fun event.  Hobble Creek Golf Course is BEAUTIFUL this time of year.  - John Gleave 801.491.7810

Stop by and visit!

An employee asked me the other day if he could just stop by and visit – do you have an ‘open door’ policy?  The answer is yes, yes, yes!  If you have a thought, a concern, an idea or if you just want to say ‘hi,’ please stop in.  Every employee can see whether I am generally available by making a meeting through outlook.  You can also call Hilary, Crystal or Christie to check up on my availability. 
Years ago, when I was involved in a lot of the hiring, I knew almost everyone.  Lately, there are a lot of faces I don’t recognize.  Please make sure you introduce yourself to me.  I would love to get to know you.  If you have an idea for the City, please share it.  Call, email, text or visit.
The only way we can make improvements is if we know there is a problem.  The only way I can let the Council know we are doing something right is if someone lets me know.  Letting us know is your obligation.



1   Dave Caron
1   Rustin Porter
1   Margarita Morales
2   Kelly Clinton
4   Patti Rogers
5   Katherine Paulsen
7   Stacey Johnson
9   Calvin Christiansen
11 Chase Kanzee
14 Adam Hickman
16 Steve Braun
16 Connie Park
17 Darlene Gray
18 Thomas Birch
19 Maria Cheatwood
20 Vince Mendez
27 Colleen Coronado
30 Russ Allred
30 Warren Gavin
31 Brett Roberts


The Waffle Love truck will be here tomorrow from 9am to 2pm in the
Civic Center Parking Lot.
Come and get a coupon for a free waffle from Administration!

Monday, September 9, 2013

End of Summer BBQ

Everyone is invited to attend an
End of Summer BBQ! 
Thursday September 19
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Spring Creek City Park
555 East 600 North
(In case of inclement weather, we will
 be in the Fire Station)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

September Birthdays


1   Tiffany Hancock
1   Hillary Smith
1   Todd Whiting
7   Travis Anderson
8   Chris Haskell
8   Cheryl Stewart
10  Jake Freeland
11  John Gleave
12  Stephen Pratt
12  Andy Roylance
14  Ben Schofield
15  Carol Huff
16  Gregg Whitney
16  Dana Girvin
19  Marcy Duke
20  Adam Jensen
21  Jon Drumm
22  Doug Johnson
22  Verna Jo Hollingshead
22  Elise Goodman
22  Karl Monney
22  Jim Barker
24  Alan Robinson
24  Sharon Bosley
26  Paul Curtis
28  Kim Rayburn
29  Suzy Young
29  Mark Averett
29  Warren Foster
30  Kami Craudell